December 8, 2023
from 09:30 till 18:00
High-grade gliomas
Royal Library - Brussels
Keizerslaan 4
1000 Brussel
Register for the symposium
click here to register
Our yearly symposium will take place physically again, scheduled at Friday 8 December 2023, save the date!! You can find the program of this meeting dedicated to the multidisciplinary care of high-grade gliomas on the right. We would be very pleased to have you and meet in person!
BANO prize
BANO would like to continue to support young Belgian researchers in the field of neuro-oncology. Therefore, a Young Investigator’s prize will again be awarded during Annual Symposium 2023. Any neuro-oncology researcher (pre-clinical, translational, or clinical) who works in a Belgian center, is younger than 38 and a member of BANO can apply. Ongoing or recently completed projects can qualify. The application consists of a 1-page CV and project description of max. 3 pages.
Case of the year
In addition, a new type of prize will be granted this year for the best presentation of “Case of the year”. The board will pre-select a subset of 3 most unique and educational neuro-oncological cases from all submissions, to be presented at the annual meeting. There will then be a vote at the conference to pick the winner of the prize. The application consists of an abstract of 250 words describing the case (intro – case – conclusion), with one author.
Please send your applications for the BANO prize and Case of the year to by November 10.
2023 Annual meeting preliminary program: Controversies in HGGs
Morning session
09:00-09:30 Entrance and welcome
09:30-10:00 Dr. Leonille Schweizer – The 2021 WHO Classification: relevance of methylome analysis in adult high-grade glioma diagnostics
10:00-10:30 Dr. Joerg Tonn – Surgery of glioblastoma – defining the remaining tumor volume as an independent prognostic factor!
10:40-11:10 Dr. Helen Bulbeck – How to meet the support needs of someone living with a high grade glioma?
11:20-11:50 Dr. Nicolaus Andratschke – Re-irradiation of brain tumors: Controversy and challenges in decision making
Afternoon session
12:00-12:20 General assembly (BANO members)
12:00 —LUNCH—
13:00-13:30 Dr. Michael Weller – Management of glioblastoma: beyond the current standards of care
13:40-14:10 Dr. Linda Douw – Cognitive deficits in (high-grade) glioma: local or global problem?
14:20-14:50 Dr. Sofie Van Cauter – The role of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of gliomas in the WHO2021/CNS 5 classification
Throughout : Tumor board discussion
15:00 —BREAK—
15:30-16:00 Dr. Rachel Grossman – An update on Tumor Treating Fields for high-grade glioma
16:10-16:40 Case of the year (3 cases – 7mins each)
16:50-17:20 BANO prize 2022 winners
17:20-17:30 “BANO and Case prize winners of 2023″ and take home message