The feed of highly relevant research in this past year, seems to be unstoppable, therefore we continue with our format of eEANO webinars. It would be fantastic if you could spread the news/share the information on our upcoming webinars (details see below) with your membership and community.
EANO webinar on EANO Guidelines December 16, 2020 16:00-17:30 (CET) (content educational)
– The revised EANO guidelines for glioma, Michael Weller, Zurich/CH
– The EANO medulloblastoma guideline: overview of the main points, Peter Hau, Regensburg/DE
EANO webinar on NeuroRadiotherapy 101 January 13, 2021 16:00-17:30 (CET) (content educational)
 Basic science for the non radiotherapist: Everything you wanted to know and were embarrassed to ask, Elizabeth Cohen-Jonathan Moyal, Toulouse/FR
– Making heads and tails of scientific and clinical advances in modern radiotherapy: Protons, Advances, Anthony Chalmers, Glasgow/UK 
EANO webinar on Best of SNO January 27, 2021 16:00-17:30 (CET) (content scientific)
– Best basic science Abstracts, Felix Sahm, Heidelberg/DE
– Best Clinical abstracts (primary brain tumors and brain mets), Martin van den Bent, Rotterdam/NL
EANO webinar on Disparity in Neuro-oncology, does it matter in daily clinical practice? February 24, 2021 16:00-17:30 (CET) (content educational) 
– Women in Neuro-Oncology: perspectives from 3 different countries:
Natividad Gomez Roman, Strathclyde/UK
Evangelia Razis, Athens/GR 
Roberta Rudà, Treviso/IT

– LGBTQ in Neuro-Oncology, Martin Taphoorn, Leiden/NL 
– Racial disparities: the AROME model, Ahmed Idbaih, Paris/FR
Detailed information can be found here Please feel free to use the banner attached. 
Please note all eEANO webinars will be CME accredited, free of charge and for EANO members only. All webinars are recorded and can be watched on demand in the membership area.